Friday, January 21, 2011

It Was The Worst of Times

Pure glass half full Dickensian as we tape off two episodes of 19th century political wit and witticisms that completely puncture the idea at we are living in the most contentious times. For all the hard opinions and name calling, no one to date in the 21st century of such harsh times has called the President a "flubdub" or possessing a "backbone of a chocolate eclaire".

One concession to the modern era, we can certainly spread our caustic words further and faster. Yet, the Internet also gives us to the power to search out and find that while yes, the two sides are quite willing to spew invective at each other, none have accused the other of child beating, molestation or insinuated that sexual relations with native Americans (or other "races" deemed less than socially acceptable) disqualified individuals from consideration for the highest offices in the land.

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